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Certified Responsible Hospitality: R2 Hotels’ Commitment to Sustainability

At R2 Hotels, the fight against climate change is a priority. This year, we have begun to reflect our commitment to responsible tourism by working towards Travelife certification, which guarantees sustainable and responsible management. Find out how we are contributing to a greener future while enjoying an unforgettable holiday.

Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency

Making the most of the Canarian sunshine

20% of the energy we use in our hotels comes from solar panels installed in several of our accommodations, especially in Fuerteventura. This allows us to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and use renewable energy sources.

Energy Saving Measures

We use energy-saving light bulbs, timers and efficient appliances. In addition, we are considering the installation of solar screens in our complexes to further improve our energy efficiency.

Efficient Water Management

Water Conservation

Water conservation is a priority in our operations. We implemented drip sprinklers in gardens and water saving devices in all rooms, achieving water savings of 15% per year.

Wastewater Treatment

We work with external companies for wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse, ensuring sustainability in the use of this vital resource.

Plastics Reduction and Waste Management

Elimination of Single-Use Plastics

We have eliminated disposable plastics from our facilities, using refillable dispensers and biodegradable materials in restaurants and bars.

Responsible Waste Management

We minimise the amount of waste generated and manage it responsibly, separating waste for recycling and giving a second use to different materials.

Commitment to Equality and Labour Rights

Gender Equality

We have an equality plan that guarantees equal labour rights for all, without discrimination for any reason, and we work to eliminate all forms of violence against women and children.

Labour Rights and Safety

We protect labour rights and promote a safe and secure working environment for all workers, ensuring annual medical check-ups and healthy nutrition for our staff.

Environmental Education and Awareness

Training and Awareness

We improve training and awareness of climate change mitigation through workshops, courses and recommendations. We encourage our customers and employees to participate in beach clean-ups and to report trafficking of protected species.

Community Involvement

We support and strengthen the participation of local communities in water and sanitation management, working with local external companies.

At R2 Hotels, we are committed to sustainable tourism that creates jobs, promotes local culture and products, and protects the environment. We aim to further reduce pollution and promote sustainable practices throughout our operations.

Environmental education: for guests of all ages

We believe that the future is built today, so we offer activities that inspire our guests, especially children, to take care of nature and be agents of change.

Your experience, our mission

At R2 Hotels we take care of the planet so that you only have to worry about enjoying yourself.
From our sustainable systems to our collaboration with local producers, every action is designed to offer you a responsible and memorable stay.

Ready to join the change?

Book your next sustainable holiday at R2 Hotels.